
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Say "Yes" and See What Happens!

Carl Medearis shares the adventures he and his family experienced when they said "yes" to God's call to minister in the Middle East.  Some adventures are profound, some are dangerous, some are downright hysterical.

As the subtitle calls this story "a journey from fear to faith" the book challenges all Christians to take the plunge.  Why not answer yes instead of staying safely in your house and your pew?  Perhaps this story of amazing things God did through people who said yes when it would have certainly seemed safer to say no will inspire readers to take a small step of faith.  Volunteer, teach, learn a new skill, or even sell everything and move across the ocean.

I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher and recommend it for teens and older, or for a family read-aloud time with a missions emphasis. Adventures in Saying Yes is in my church library, and I recommend it for yours as well.