Girl of the Book
by Princila Murrell is an interesting and engaging story about a South African
family that moves to Saudi Arabia for the father’s two-year work
assignment. I was concerned that this
would be a preachy book for kids about how all Muslims are wonderful and all
Christians are intolerant and arrogant, but I was pleasantly surprised by a
balanced story line with realistic characters that struggle with real life
The new-girl-in-school problems found in many tween and teen
books are magnified in this book. Despite
her parents’ careful instructions, Courtney still manages to violate cultural
rules regularly, even though she tries not to cause trouble. Many of her classmates at school don’t
help--and even work to get her into more trouble. Two young people, a girl and a boy, are the
only ones kind to her. Unfortunately, their kindness to Courtney causes them
problems with some family members and classmates, too.
This was a wonderful book that respected both religious
traditions while showing how difficult it can be for the two cultures to
understand one another. There are no
objectionable elements, so parents can confidently hand this excellent story to
young readers, even very young children who read well above grade level.
I received a free copy of Girl of the Book for my honest review. It will be available on December 1, so you won't have to wait long to read it for yourselves!