A Gateway to Hope by E.C. Jackson is a story of Neka, a quiet young woman waiting for her dreams to come true, and James, an ambitious man with a difficult family. Neka's family turns out to be a bit troublesome, too, although it is done out of concern for Neka. Can an impulsive trip and a surprise proposal end in happiness for James and Neka?
The novel includes a lot of real estate development talk, since both families are in that business. The events of the story are universal, though, as families deal with common problems whatever their business. What the novel does not have is gratuitous sex. Nor will you find foul language. You can just read freely, enjoying a detailed story about relationships.
One item I would like to see in a future edition of this book is a list of characters at the beginning of the novel for reference. I sometimes had to stop and think about which names were sisters and which were friends or cousins, for instance. Not a big problem, though.
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