
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Risen: A Novelization of the Movie

Bethany House publishers offers Risen by veteran author Angela Hunt, based on the story by Paul Aiello and the screenplay by Aiello and Kevin Reynolds.  If you prefer books to movies or want to experience both, enjoy!

This fictional story of a Roman soldier investigating the  "theft" of the body of Christ has enough historical accuracy to keep  the story credible and interesting to read.  Angela Hunt is a master crafter of historical fiction, and this novelization is no exception to her skills.

Enjoy the novel, then watch the movie as well.

I received a free review copy of the book from the publisher for my honest review.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Enhance Bible Study with a Bible Journaling Kit

Personalize your Bible with color, with tabs, with notes in the margins--whatever helps you organize your thoughts and find the verses you need in the future.  This kit from Ellie Claire includes archival quality pen, twistable colored pencils, stickers and more, including a handy pouch to keep all these tools handy at your favorite reading and study spot.

To enter a drawing and possibly win your own kit, just enter here.  To buy a kit for yourself or for a gift, check out any of these vendors:

Barnes & Noble
Christian Book Distributors