
Friday, August 24, 2012

Finding Strength in Weakness

InSignificant tells the story of Chris Travis' two years of teaching at the worst middle school in New York City.  This pastor became a math teacher in order to serve those in the inner city.  Though he thought he was ready, he learned just how unready he was—and how sufficient God is.  This quote is one of my favorites:
 "Some days I could go into that awful school and deal with the stress for the sake of the kids.  Some days I couldn't.  On those days, I did it for Jesus." (p. 58)

As we realize our weakness and become more dependent on God, He does significant things through us.  Any moment, any small task, can matter for eternity.  To become significant, we must give up everything—comfort, pride, independence—for the sake of the One.

Travis refers to The Lord's Prayer, in which Jesus teaches us to pray "us, your, our, we…" instead of "me, my, mine."  Chris also points to the parable of the talents and gives examples of the ways God used some of his interests and skills in ways he never would have imagined.  Even a card trick, rusty karate skills and a knack for cartooning were used by God to bless his students, some of whom blessed him in return.

I received a free review copy of this book from Bethany House publishers.  It would make a great gift for teachers and student-teachers.

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